[AHA2010]高血压患者心血管危险因素筛查评价——V. Papademetriou教授专访
<International Circulation>: Some studies have shown that ischemic stroke, sudden death and myocardial infarction usually occur at daybreak, and blood pressure will rise after midnight. Some doctors think that classification of morning hypertensive patients into groups with or without evening hypertension may be useful for evaluating patients’ total cardiovascular disease risk. Do you agree with them?
prof Papademetriou: I think that’s a very good question and what you have stated is true. A lot of cardiovascular events (strokes, heart attacks, sudden deaths, and a lot of arrhythmias) tend to happen more frequently in the early morning between 4am and 10 am when people are waking up and getting out of bed. This is related to the defensive mechanisms of the body to prepare for the difficulties of daily life hence producing more catecholamines which raise the blood pressure, increasing blood flow to the brain and the heart getting it ready, but at the same time they can cause arrhythmias, increase in blood pressure and can cause plaque ruptures. That is why I think we see more events in the morning hours. This occurs as the patient is beginning to wake up, not during actual sleep. During sleep, we know from our ambulatory blood pressure monitoring, that pressure is low and most of the patients have lower pressure while asleep than when awake. These are the so-called dippers. These patients have less risk of cardiovascular events. Those that do not drop their pressure during sleep are at higher risk. At the same time, those who have an excessive increase in blood pressure in the early hours, after four or five o’clock, are at increased risk of developing cardiovascular events.