
[GWICC2011]ESC 与中国心血管疾病预防方面的合作——ESC主席Michel Komajda 访谈

作者:  Michel.Komajda   日期:2011/10/20 11:10:39



  International Circulation: What do you think are the challenges we are going to face in treating heart failure in the near future?
  Prof Komajda: One is the ageing of the population with coexistent comorbidities which can complicate the treatment particularly in the case of renal dysfunction or pulmonary disease associated with heart failure because some of the drugs that we would like to use are more difficult to use in these situations. So ageing is one problem. Comorbidities are a second one, because they can be dependent on ageing of course. I think that a major issue for the future is heart failure with preserved ejection fraction because at the moment we have very little evidence-based indication that any treatment might be beneficial although we know that this is a growing proportion of the heart failure population due particularly to the ageing population. The major challenge that we will face will be the cost of hospitalization as it is a very important part of the overall economics of heart failure and we should try to find measures, either pharmacologically or otherwise, to substantially reduce hospitalizations in order to reduce the cost of heart failure. Another problem which is also important is polypharmacy. Heart failure is an area of polypharmacy because in low ejection fraction patients you are expected to provide a multitude of medications: beta-blockers and ACE inhibitors in addition to an ARB or aldosterone antagonist if heart failure persists and if there is a high heart rate, I believe that we will be providing ivabradine soon. So multiple medications in addition to other non-cardiovascular medications which makes for a long list and an expensive list for the patients.

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版面编辑:赵书芳  责任编辑:郭淑娟


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