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[AHA2009]Philip Greenland教授谈心血管疾病的预防

 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2009/11/26 17:33:00 关键字:Philip.Greenland 预防 

    International Circulation:What is your view on the comparison between the Reynold and Framingham risk score in predicting the likelihood of cardiovascular disease? 

    Dr Philip Greenland:There was an interesting analysis earlier which suggested that you can sort out people differently. But you still end up with the same basic problem. Will you still have a lot of people in the intermediate risk group and a lot of people who have events being classified as low risk. No matter you talk about Framingham or Reynold, even whether you talk about additional coronary calcium, we still have the problem that a large number of people end classfied as lower risk and they are still having events.

    Philip Greenland教授:在AHA会议上有一个令人感兴趣的分析提示,你可能采用2种不同的方法来将人群分类。但最终仍然是同样的基本问题。在中度风险组中是否仍将有很多人?被分类为低风险的人群是否仍将有很多人发生事件?无论是谈及Framingham或Reynolds风险评分,甚至是附加的冠状动脉钙化积分,我们仍然存在这一问题,即许多人最终被分类为“低”风险,且他们仍然会发生事件。

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