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[AHA2011]AHA主席Gordon F. Tomaselli教授谈大会亮点与基因检测进展

作者:GordonF.Tomaselli 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/21 16:31:00 关键字:AHA2011 大会亮点 Gordon F. Tomaselli  心脏病预防 基因 

    <International Circulation>: How far are we away from that point?

    Prof.Tomaselli:  At the rate of current progress, who knows? It is not going to be decades however. We will have a lot more information because broad genotyping will be done in a lot more people.

    <International Circulation>: How far are we away from genotyping everyone?

    Prof.Tomaselli:  Having the capacity to do it in a reasonable way in terms of cost, probably not that far away. I can’t recall what it costs to sequence an individual’s DNA but it is not a lot of money; between $5000 and $10000 I think. That price is going to continue to come down and the question will be, what is the cost efficiency tipping point? However, it is not just sequencing the DNA; it is what you are going to do with the information. Three billion base pairs. You could just store that individual’s DNA sequence away and if something comes up like a marker for a disease that is definitive in a population then we could survey that person’s DNA and put them in a risk or not-at-risk category. The biggest use right now is in pharmacogenetics figuring out how people metabolize drugs and there are a number of examples of that in drugs that are used quite frequently such as clopidogrel and Coumadin. There are variants in metabolizing enzymes that have significant effects on the activity of those enzymes and they are useful to us right now.


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