
[西京会2014]中外共话心房颤动新进展——Win K. Shen访谈

作者:  WinK.Shen   日期:2014/7/30 12:13:33


编者按:在2014 西安国际心血管病论坛暨第十九届西京-Mayo Clinic心血管病学新进展研讨会召开期间,《国际循环》报道团队有幸采访到大会主席、美国Mayo Clinic医学院Win K. Shen教授,请他介绍大会呈现的热点话题。

   International Circulation : We are here today with Dr. Shen from the Mayo Clinic.  We are very appreciative that you could spend some time with us.


  Dr. Shen: Absolutely.
  International Circulation: To start off, you are the chairman of this conference and that is a big honor probably to be able to do that.  What do you think about the highlights and the hottest topics here and what is your biggest interest?
  Dr. Shen: Thank you for giving me this opportunity to really review a couple of highlights from the conference and the Xijing Hospital and the Mayo clinic joint symposium is in its 19th year.  We have really have had a tremendous collaboration with colleagues here in Xijing Hospital 4th Military Medical Univesity and beyond the Xijing Hospital we really have had tremendous collaboration with mayn physicians in China for the past 20 years. The highlights of this conference of course that I am most familiar with is electrophysiology.  In the EP world they really have 2 to 3 major topics.  1 which is really epidemic in America but the population is really growing in China as well and that is atrial fibrillation and atrial fibrillation and heart failure so that this conference there is going to be a comprehensive review of the topic related to atrial fibrillation and in association with many given diseases.  So we talk about atrial fibrillation mechanisms and we talk about the atrial fibrillation therapy and reviewing that clinical trials as well as the guidelines.  There is a very new guidelines on atrial fibrillation on the American Heart and College of Cardiology published just 2 months ago in 2014.  I have had the honor to be part of that task force committee and on the task force for the atrial fibrillation guidelines.  In addition to atrial fibrillation there will be a comprehensive review on ventricular arrhythmias and sudden death.  As the resources continue to grow in China and when it comes to be prevention of sudden cardiac death like the use of defibrillators and as also this morning we heard the cutting edge ablative therapy for ventricular arrhythmias and all of these will be reviewed. When it comes to technology, in the EP world the clinical trials have already began with leadless pacemakers and that is going to be happening in China.  These topics are being discussed at this conference. Also for electrophysiology I can only really highlight a couple of the advances in coronary disease intervention.  As you heard this morning, there was really a big celebration of the 30years of accomplishments at the Xijing hospital of being really the first that PCI was performed at the Xijing hospital 30 years ago in China.  Today when we talk about coronary intervention the volume of coronary intervention that is going to surpass of the volume of procedures in the United States because of the population. Also with the advances in technology and resources I know that there is tremendous amount of basic sciences that was presented at this conference.  When it comes to vascular biology and cell regeneration and individualized medicine, all of these topics were presented at this conference.  Those are the few highlights and just as I see the doctors have walked by, of course there was heart failure.  In the American population atrial fibrillation, heart failure, and diabetes are the straight epidemic cardiovascular diseases that are in the 21st century in America, I think they are the same that in China.  That is kind of a brief overview for the highlights of the 19th joint symposium between the Xijing Hospital and the Mayo Clinic.
  Shen博士:非常感谢给我这样一个机会在西京-Mayo Clinic联合论坛举办第19届之际简要概述大会热点。在过去20年间,我们与第四军医大学附属西京医院以及中国很多其他医院的医生开展了众多合作。就本次大会的亮点内容而言,我最为熟悉的是有关电生理方面的内容。有关电生理方面,大会有2~3个主要议题。鉴于心房颤动及心力衰竭等疾病在美国广泛流行,在中国发病也不断增加,本届大会将对心房颤动及其与其他特定疾病的关系进行全面回顾。大会将就心房颤动的发生机制、治疗、临床试验及相关指南进行探讨。
  AHA/ACC于刚刚于两个月前发布了有关心房颤动的最新指南,我本人非常有幸担任了指南的编写委员会的委员,参与了这一心房颤动最新指南的部分编写工作。除了心房颤动外,大会还将对室性心律失常及猝死进行全面探讨。鉴于中国这方面的患者不断增加,大会涉及除颤器预防心源性猝死及消融治疗室性心律失常等内容。就技术领域而言,目前欧洲已经开展有关无导线心脏起搏器的临床试验,中国也即将开展相关试验。上述主题都是本次大会要重点讨论的内容。此外,本次大会的一个重要内容就是回顾冠心病介入干预治疗的重大进步。今天上午中国首例冠脉介入治疗30周年庆典活动隆重举行,自西京医院首次成功实施首例冠脉介入治疗现在中国冠脉介入治疗已经走过了30年的发展历程。中国人口众多,目前其冠脉介入治疗的实施数量已仅次于美国。除了数量上的增加外,中国在冠脉介入治疗的技术及资料方面也取得了非常大的进步,本次大会也会介绍很多这方面的基础科学进展。大会还将就血管生物学、细胞再生及个体化治疗等热点话题进行探讨。上述就是大会的一些亮点,我看很多医生都很关注,当然关注的还有心力衰竭。在美国心房颤动、心力衰竭及糖尿病是21世纪最为流行的疾病,我认为在中国同样如此。上述就是我对本次第19届西京-Mayo Clinic联合论坛亮点的简要概述。
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版面编辑:张楠  责任编辑:徐竞鸥


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