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[AHA2011]介入治疗相关问题解读——Scott Wright教授专访

作者:ScottWright 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/16 19:22:40 关键字:普拉格雷 替卡格雷 氯吡格雷 冠脉造影和介入治疗 Scott Wright 

    <International Circulation>:In what cases would you still use prasugrel?

    Prof. Wright:  Prasugrel is a great drug.  If you have someone who has been on clopidogrel and has an acute coronary syndrome, or a higher risk patient like a 40-50 year old diabetic having an ST elevation myocardial infarction, I would tend to favor prasugrel to get a little better efficacy.  I might just as easily choose ticagrelor in that population.  Those two drugs, however, have not been compared and you cannot tell if one is better than the other.  Another scenario is if there is a person with increased thrombotic risk and you only want to take a drug once daily instead of twice, prasugrel has an advantage of a once per day agent whereas ticagrelor is twice per day.  

    <International Circulation>: The reason then that prasugrel will stay around is for its convenience and because it there hasn’t been any definitive demonstration that it is inferior to ticagrelor, is that correct?

    Prof. Wright:  You statement is accurate and really reflects what most physicians will find themselves thinking about in a year or two when they start to come to market and have a chance to use them.

    Wright教授: 你所说的是正确的,真实反映了大多数内科医生在未来一到两年内当他们开始进入市场并且有机会应用他们时的思考的东西。

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