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[AHA2011]Suzanne Oparil解析高血压治疗策略及最新研究进展

作者:S.Oparil 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/25 15:41:55 关键字:高血压 肾动脉射频消融 

  <International Circulation>:Regarding implementation, if there is an evidence rating of ‘A’ and one with a rating of ‘B’ and ‘C’, and so on, how much does it effect implementation?  For instance, if a study had an evidence rating of ‘A’ and there is something unrelated, a category of treatment that has evidence level ‘B’, but there is no other recommendations, how does this effect the doctor implementing this recommendation?

  Prof. Oparil:  We don’t know how all the users will get into this and focus on the level of recommendation.  It will probably be reflected in the wording of the recommendations with words such as “you must do …” or “you should do …” with the final draft of the guidelines being just a short, few page document.  The wording will be very important because, apart from doctors’ vanishing free will due to insurers refusing to pay when recommendations are not followed, the interpretation and implementation are directly connected to the words we use.  The way the whole thing is disseminated is important, which has a working group working on that specifically.


  <International Circulation>: You cannot talk about your evidence-based strategies for implementation, can you?

  Prof. Oparil: No.  One reason is because I don’t know them.  Another is that this project is a tremendous amount of working.  Our committee as a whole has a 90 minute teleconference weekly every Thursday and the executive committee, made up of one of the people from a contractor doing literature searches plus two more people from the other contractor who weighs the evidence, in addition to the two co-chairpersons and an NHLBI representative.  We meet for a teleconference for one hour every Monday, which is 2.5 hours each week plus other preparation time, and we haven’t even written anything yet.  This has been going on for a long time.  I am not doing anything the implementation group would do.  There are independent groups responsible for lifestyle issues, risk assessment, and implementation.  Implementation is a big operation, with their own techniques of getting people to follow the guidelines as written.  It used to be that the pharmaceutical companies would sponsor doctors to give talks and information would get spread that way.  That isn’t used anymore due to restrictions and conflicts of interest.  That used to be a quick way for doctors to learn things.  Very few physicians want to spend all day in their office sitting then to go home and study something online that they have already been working with.  The dissemination is going to be a challenge.  The extent that we get managed care, whether by Kaiser, the VA, or the federal government, and then it will become easier because pay is tied to doing certain things, treat a particular way, or get to a certain goal.  This system is used in the UK and works well.


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用户:renyouwang 时间:2011/11/28 15:56:35


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