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[AHA2011]Suzanne Oparil解析高血压治疗策略及最新研究进展

作者:S.Oparil 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/25 15:41:55 关键字:高血压 肾动脉射频消融 

  <International Circulation>:  The main cost of the procedure that makes it so expensive is what exactly?

  Prof. Oparil: The hospital stay is the most costly component.  Other than that it should not be particularly expensive.  I am not sure how much they charge for the patented radio frequency ablation catheter that they use in the renal vessels and the impulse generator.  I don’t know how expensive the catheters are.  What will matter most is just how they decide to price them.  They do do a renal angiogram, to inject a dye, and take images and the radiologist’s interpretation.  All of these things are considered costs of the procedure.  It is necessary to have normal renal arteries to qualify for the procedure.  Stents, short renal vessels, history of stroke within the past 6 months, valvular heart disease, atherosclerosis in the renal artery, or existence of multiple renal vessels all are, at least in these first studies, criteria for exclusion.  Since they don’t have the history to troubleshoot these variations and haven’t established how they may influence the outcome.  Conceivably it would work as well but would require more manipulation of the vessels.  Although currently those with poor renal function are not include, they would be benefitted because they have increased sympathetic activity.  If you are trying to get a procedure approved by the FDA then you don’t want to possibly do harm and there is motivation, at least at this early stage, to exclude subsets at higher risk of complication.  Any condition where a sudden decrease in blood pressure could put a patient at risk are not included in the study.  Investigational drugs or procedures are not given to anyone who is unstable.


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用户:renyouwang 时间:2011/11/28 15:56:35


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