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[AHA2011]Suzanne Oparil解析高血压治疗策略及最新研究进展

作者:S.Oparil 编辑:国际循环网 时间:2011/11/25 15:41:55 关键字:高血压 肾动脉射频消融 


  <International Circulation>:  What do you think the future is for renal denervation?  Do you think this is a promising therapy?

  Prof. Oparil: I think it is very exciting.  It is new and promising and like it, in part because it has a very strong scientific basis.  Thirty years ago we did a lot of studies on animal models, using hypertensive rats having received steroids or a surgical narrowing of their renal artery to make them hypertensive, where we removed renal nerves in all models you can prevent hypertension or attenuate it if it is already present.  The bad news is that the renal nerves grow back if it is done peripherally.  In humans the nerves seem to not grow back as much or if they do they have diminished functionality, although that remains to be validated.  We know that the autonomic nervous system plays a tremendous function in blood pressure control, not only at the steady-state level but also in controlling fluctuations, which are turning out to be prognostically important and independent of mean blood pressure.  There is not a real good way to deal with fluctuations because drugs like beta-blockers don’t work well for central nervous system output.  If you there is sympathetic activation blood pressure increases markedly and the heart rate quickens, there is renal vasoconstriction to retain salt and water, everything is affected.  The class of drugs that affects that are the centrally acting agents like clonidine, which is very difficult to tolerate and make people sleepy.  They also don’t have adequate outcome data to support their use so few people use them.  Renal denervation is relatively simple, can be done by an interventional cardiologist easily in a few minutes, but is somewhat costly they way it is being done now with patients being required to be in the hospital overnight for monitoring.  Because there is a groin puncture with risks of hematoma and because the blood pressure could drop overnight monitoring is necessary.  There is an increasing proportion of people whose blood pressure cannot be controlled with usual therapies, so this procedure could be used on them.  I used to say that you could control everyone’s blood pressure, but that is not true.  Maybe 15% of people cannot be controlled, a rate that is increasing because of increasing age and obesity.  If a patient has hypertension for a long time, even if it is controlled well with medicine, you could gradually escape control.  This is because blood vessels get stiffer and kidneys deteriorate a little.  Things deteriorate normally due to age related changes and with complications like hypertension or diabetes the deterioration goes faster.  In an older, fatter, sedentary population with diabetes there is a lot more resistant hypertension and a need for new therapies.


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用户:renyouwang 时间:2011/11/28 15:56:35


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